for your Football life
About us
Triangle Football Development
The Triangle Football Development method of training is based on the ancient Japanese concept of SHIN GI TAI. This is the principle of unification of spirit, technique, and power into a seamless demonstration of prowess. TFD aims to develop our players’ spirit through the ability to be disciplined and focused, our players technical skills through the ability to perform football movements confidently and consistently, and our players power through physical conditioning and football specific strength.
Our training system involves small group training (approximately 10 players) with highly experienced and passionate coaches focussing on the SHIN GI TAI principles. Training groups are designed to allow players to train with other players who are at a similar level, and include three tiers of training groups in each age bracket to allow players to be moved through groups as needed. A players position in NPL, SAP, or any other competition, is not a factor in our grading.
We focus on the attitude of players and their ability to perform football skills.
Triangle Football Development is more than a football academy. Players who are invited to join TFD have been identified as having the potential to pursue a professional career, and TFD is the first step in that process. We aim for a 5 year commitment, and will provide professional player management services for players who transition into a professional career. We have extensive links with Australian and Japanese football clubs, and use those links to foster opportunities to play in international tournaments and participate in international training sessions.
Our experience tells us that most Australian players do not receive enough meaningful, deliberate practice to truly develop to the highest level. It is a requirement of all TFD players to train at least once a week with TFD, and at least 4 times a week in total (including club sessions). Our training sessions are designed to create an intensive learning environment, with players continually improving their ball mastery, their football fitness, their game understanding, and their ability to perform under pressure while remaining calm. When these attributes are combined masterfully, you will see a player who is confident, controls the game, and is a leader on and off the field.
Triangle Football Developmentのトレーニングは、日本の”心技体”をコンセプトに基づいて行われています。日本ならではの規律と集中力を通じ、選手たちの精神面はもちろん、技術面での向上に取り組んでいます。TFDでは経験豊富なコーチ、選手による少人数制(約10人)でのトレーニングがメインになり、常にチャレンジ出来るようなトレーニングメニューや選手構成にも力を入れています。年齢だけでなく技術レベル、サッカーに対しての態度に応じてグループ分けしており、先を目指してチャレンジできる環境を提供できるよう心がけています。
英語力 (ホームステイによる英語力UP)
-オンラインでの英語交流や、国際大会への参加 -
現地の子供たちやプロ選手とのオンライン英語交流や、実際にお互いが現地に行き、合同練習や試合を実施し、リアルでの交流も行っていく予定です。Zoomやオンラインでの取り組みは通訳も付きますのでご安心ください! 写真はオーストラリア遠征中に行った交流の様子。
また、アドバイザーの伊藤氏はオーストラリアで8年間プロ選手として活躍してきました。今年引退となり、現在はオーストラリアのOlympic FC、TFDのDirectorに籍を置いています。日本を拠点とし、Jリーグチームとの関わりや豪州との関わりを生かして、選手や海外スタッフのマネージメントを行なっております。実際にプロとして活躍してきた方からの指導や交流は、子供たちにとって大きな経験となるはずです。 定期的に練習にも参加し、実際の指導も受けることができます。
Help Create Change
地域クラブとの提携に伴い、普段からのトレーニングマネージメントだけでなく、先を見据えた選手のマネージメントに長期的に取り組んでいきます。現地でのクリニックやトレーニングにおける分かりやすい指導を含め、密にコミュニケーションを図ります。クラブ、地域にとって大切なものを基盤に、サッカーを通じて『考える場所』を提供させて頂くとともに”FOREVER BETTER PLACE”を目指します。
Triangle Football Developmentは海外及び、日本を拠点に活動しているFootballマネージメント会社です。サッカースクール /アカデミーをはじめ、国際大会、ツアー、サッカー選手のマネージメント活動をしています。
TFD Staff

Kazuya Ito
Chief Executive Officer

Hiroki Omori
CSMO/Sports Director

Sekiya Tasuku
TFD JP Head Coach

Phillip Gweagal Canham
Admin&TFD English

Makoto Nakaoka
TFD JP Coach

Tomoki Asakawa
TFD AU Coach

Steve Whyte
TFD AU Head Coach

Daisuke Hamada
TFD JP Head Coach

Shuta Shibutani
TFD JP/AU Media & Coach

Tatsuya Fujioka
TFD AU Head Coach

Tensei Nagamachi
TFD JP Coach